What is Swimming Southland

We are the Regional Sporting Organisation for swimming in Southland

Our Purpose: 

  • To lead and support the growth of competitive swimming in Southland, from foundation to performance level competitive swimmers.

Our Vision: 

  • Southlanders enjoying the sport of competitive swimming.

Our Values are:

  • Excellence
  • Participant -focused
  • Innovation
  • Respect
  • Collaboration

What are we trying to achieve in our strategic plan

  1. Increase participation in competitive swimming across Southland.
  2. Provide relevant and engaging quality pathways and programmes that cater for different swimmers goals, ages, stages and levels.
  3. Ensure organisational performance.

Swimming Southland Administrator

Angela Biggar

Email: admin@swimsouthland.org.nz

Swimming Southland Development Officer

Katrina Garrett

Email: development@swimsouthland.org.nz

Swimming Southland Head Coach

Jeremy Duncan

Email: headcoach@swimsouthland.org.nz


  • Emma Shaw (Orca) - Chairperson
  • Waric Cross (Murihiku) - Deputy Chair
  • Kelly Lafoga (Waverley)
  • Bronwyn Elder (Central Southland)
  • Brittney Johnston (Johnston Waters)
  • Trudy Brown (Murihiku)

Our board meets the third Wednesday of each month
